
What is Pathorama?
Pathorama is one of the most extensive and freely accessible resources devoted to pathology. Pathorama provides you with high quality images and virtual slides for teaching and self-instruction covering a wide range of topics in all subspecialities of surgical pathology and cytology. Various courses, slide seminars, quizzes, and learning games for both students, surgical pathologists, and cytopathologists are available.

The history of Pathorama
In 1998, PathoBasiliensis, the forerunner of Pathorama was initiated by the married couple Katharina and Dieter Glatz. When Katharina started her residency in pathology in 1998 her husband Dieter a physicist working at the Computing Department of the University of Basel suggested that they build up an autopsy case database in the emerging World Wide Web. Soon after the successful implementation of this first application the image database PathoPic was launched and became a time consuming hobby of the Glatz couple. From the beginning, they were supported by the head of the Institute for Pathology of the University of Basel, Mike Mihatsch and the head of the computing department, Fritz Rösel. In 2003, Dieter again pioneered in the development of a virtual microscope prototype vMic (Virchows Arch. 2006 Mar;448(3):248-55.). The acquisition of the hardware was enabled by a grant of the University of Basel (Erneuerungsfonds). In the same year, PathoBasiliensis was awarded with the innovation prize of the University of Basel. Only a year later, Katharina and Dieter received the MedidaPrix 2004 endowed with 50'000 Euro. In 2007, PathoBasiliensis was redesigned and replaced by Pathorama which still hosts all learning modules from the former PathoBasiliensis and in addition the fast increasing virtual slide database vSlides. This latest sub-project gets significant financial support of the Swiss Federation and from the Novartis company.

Who creates Pathorama?
Most content of this webpage has been created and edited bei Katharina Glatz who holds responsible for the upkeeping of the high quality standard of this resource.

Pathorama has no commercial intent. All of the content of Pathorama may be used by individuals within their own institution for educational purposes. The virtual slides, images, and texts contained in Pathorama are the intellectual property of the University of Basel Institute for Pathology, and the individual contributors who can be identified for each virtual slide. Special copyright regulations exist for the image database PathoPic and the virtual slide databases vMic and vSlides. Content of Pathorama may not be used for chargeable courses or be distributed beyond the individual's institution via removable media or on the internet, without the expressed written consent of the University of Basel, Institute for Pathology and the contributor. Inquiries concerning interpretation of the above should be addressed to Katharina Glatz.

The purpose of this website is to enable health care professionals to access high quality pathology images exclusively for instructional purposes. The images and their metadata as well as other related informations provided in this site are not intended for the diagnosis of specific patients. Consequently, the information contained in this web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your health care provider. Please do not email us for advice on your medical problems. We will not answer your questions. Consult your physician instead. The authors and contributors of Pathorama disclaim any liability, loss, injury, or damage incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, to the use and application of any of the contents of this resource. The authors and contributors of this website do not make any guarantee, expressly or implied, of the quality, or results of use of the information found herein. By accessing and/or downloading contents from this website, you expressly agree and consent to the foregoing terms and conditions.